

たまには愛にあふれた記事をひとつ。 以下はラブレターを集めたサイトです。 The Love Letter Collection 何点か紹介してみましょう。 2006年 バレンタインデーのラブレター OVERSTUFFED LUGGAGE How do I live with the way things are now? Are you happy? Am I? I don't even know what happiness means, except that I remember happiness and I remember you. I want to change it all...and go back and live the other life that I carry around my subconcious like overstuffed luggage. And yet, if you showed up at my door, I would have to tell you (with a breaking heart) to go away. I can't change any of it and niether can you. But you still live in my one-chambered heart. Is it horrible to wish to be seventy and widowed, and waiting for you? Every day is waiting...waiting. 2005年から2006年の冬のラブレター THIS TIME WITH FEELING Dear Love, Lately I've been staring at your pictures, trying to figure out how to say the right words. The words that will touch your heart as well as your soul. The kind of words you've been wanting to hear for 5 long years. Yet it seems useless when you will never hardly look my way. There's so much tension when we bump heads that it seems the light only gets dimmer on the other side of the tunnel. So I decided to right you this letter. Silly of me to think it will change your mind about us, but it never hurts to try. Baby....I miss you. i miss you so much that I drive myself insane hoping and praying you'll come back and give us a second chance. when i look at you I cant help but to fall in a transe looking into your deep brown eyes. I stayed up all night trying to figure out the right words. Then I began to think about, what would be the music to your ears what would make you cry, the tears of happiness. Then it hit me. The words i was missing were already spoken several times but ÌSI never meant a single word............til now. So Baby I want to tell you those words, and I mean with every ounce of me, from the bottom of my heart, now and forever Baby...... I LOVE YOU. Truly yours _____ 英語なんですけど、下手に訳すと雰囲気が出ないので訳しません。 興味ある方はサイトを覗いてみてください。

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